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apply(org.gradle.api.Project) - Method in SpotBugsBasePlugin
apply(org.gradle.api.Project) - Method in SpotBugsPlugin
auxClassPaths - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the aux class paths that contains the libraries to refer during analysis.


baselineFile - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to set the baseline file.
baselineFile - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to set the baseline file.
buildArguments(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Method in SpotBugsRunner
buildJvmArguments(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Method in SpotBugsRunner


classDirs - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the directories that contains the target classes to analyze.
compareTo(com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal.SemanticVersion) - Method in SemanticVersion
Confidence.1 - Enum in com.github.spotbugs.snom
CONFIG_NAME - Field in SpotBugsPlugin
configure(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in SpotBugsReport


DEFAULT - Field in Effort
The default level that provides the same feature with MORE.
DEFAULT_REPORTS_DIR_NAME - Property in SpotBugsExtension


Effort - Enum in com.github.spotbugs.snom
The Effort is configuration to adjust SpotBugs detectors.
effort - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to adjust SpotBugs detectors.
effort - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to adjust SpotBugs detectors.
excludeFilter - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to set the filter file to limit which bug should be reported.
excludeFilter - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to set the filter file to limit which bug should be reported.
execute() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsExecutor
execute() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForWorker.SpotBugsExecutor
EXTENSION_NAME - Field in SpotBugsPlugin
extraArgs - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the extra arguments for SpotBugs.
extraArgs - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the extra arguments for SpotBugs.



generate(org.gradle.api.Project) - Method in SpotBugsTaskFactory
getAnalyseClassFile() - Method in SpotBugsTask
A file that lists class files and jar files to analyse.
getArgs() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getBaseName() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getClasses() - Method in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the target classes to analyse by SpotBugs.
getClasspath() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getDestination() - Method in SpotBugsReport
use getOutputLocation() instead.
getDisplayName() - Method in SpotBugsReport
getDisplayName() - Method in SpotBugsTextReport
getDisplayName() - Method in SpotBugsXmlReport
getEnabledReports() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getFirstEnabledReport() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getIgnoreFailures() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getIgnoreFailures() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getJavaToolchainExecutablePath() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getJvmArgs() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getLauncher() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getMajor() - Method in SemanticVersion
getMaxHeapSize() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getMinor() - Method in SemanticVersion
getOutputLocation() - Method in SpotBugsReport
getOutputType() - Method in SpotBugsReport
getPatch() - Method in SemanticVersion
getPluginJar() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getReports() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getRequired() - Method in SpotBugsReport
getShowStackTraces() - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters
getShowStackTraces() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getSpotbugsClasspath() - Method in SpotBugsTask
getStylesheet() - Method in SpotBugsHtmlReport
getStylesheet() - Method in SpotBugsReport
getTask() - Method in SpotBugsReport



ignoreFailures - Property in SpotBugsExtension
ignoreFailures - Property in SpotBugsTask
includeFilter - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to set the filter file to limit which bug should be reported.
includeFilter - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to set the filter file to limit which bug should be reported.
init(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsExtension, boolean, boolean) - Method in SpotBugsTask
Set properties from extension right after the task creation.
isEnabled() - Method in SpotBugsReport
use getRequired() instead.
isSupportingMultipleReports() - Method in SpotBugsTask
The multiple reports feature is available from SpotBugs 4.5.0


jvmArgs - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the extra arguments for JVM process.
jvmArgs - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the extra arguments for JVM process.



LESS - Field in Effort
The effort level to reduce the computation cost.


MAX - Field in Effort
The effort level that maximize the computation cost.
MAX_VALUE - Field in Effort
maxHeapSize - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the max heap size (-Xmx option) of JVM process.
maxHeapSize - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the max heap size (-Xmx option) of JVM process.
MIN - Field in Effort
The effort level to minimize the computation cost.
MIN_VALUE - Field in Effort
MORE - Field in Effort
The effort level that uses more computation cost.


next() - Method in Effort


omitVisitors - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to disable visitors (detectors) for analysis.
omitVisitors - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to disable visitors (detectors) for analysis.
onlyAnalyze - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the target classes for analysis.
onlyAnalyze - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the target classes for analysis.


PLUGINS_CONFIG_NAME - Field in SpotBugsPlugin
previous() - Method in Effort
projectName - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the name of project.
projectName - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the name of project.



release - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the release identifier of project.
release - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the release identifier of project.
reportLevel - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to specify the level to report bugs.
reportLevel - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the level to report bugs.
reports - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify which report you need.
reportsDir - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to set the directory to generate report files.
reportsDir - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to set the directory to generate report files.
run(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Method in SpotBugsRunner
run(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForJavaExec
run(com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Method in SpotBugsRunnerForWorker
run() - Method in SpotBugsTask


SemanticVersion - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
See Also:
SemanticVersion(java.lang.String) - Constructor in SemanticVersion
setClasses(org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection) - Method in SpotBugsTask
setDestination(Provider<File>) - Method in SpotBugsReport
use getOutputLocation().set(provider) instead.
setEffort(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsExtension
setEffort(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsTask
setEnabled(Provider<Boolean>) - Method in SpotBugsReport
use getRequired().set(provider) instead.
setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in SpotBugsTask
setReportLevel(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsExtension
setReportLevel(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsTask
setShowStackTraces(boolean) - Method in SpotBugsTask
setStylesheet(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsHtmlReport
setStylesheet(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotBugsReport
showProgress - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to enable progress reporting during the analysis.
showProgress - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to enable progress reporting during the analysis.
showStackTraces - Property in SpotBugsExtension
showStackTraces - Property in SpotBugsTask
SLF4J_CONFIG_NAME - Field in SpotBugsPlugin
sourceDirs - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to specify the directories that contain the source of target classes to analyze.
SpotBugsBasePlugin - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom
SpotBugsExecutor(org.gradle.process.ExecOperations) - Constructor in SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsExecutor
SpotBugsExtension - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom
The extension to configure the SpotBugs Gradle plugin.
SpotBugsExtension(org.gradle.api.Project, org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory) - Constructor in SpotBugsExtension
SpotBugsHtmlReport - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsHtmlReport(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Constructor in SpotBugsHtmlReport
SpotBugsPlugin - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom
SpotBugsReport - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom
SpotBugsReport(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Constructor in SpotBugsReport
SpotBugsRunner - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsExecutor - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForHybrid.SpotBugsWorkParameters - Interface in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForJavaExec - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForJavaExec(Property<JavaLauncher>) - Constructor in SpotBugsRunnerForJavaExec
SpotBugsRunnerForWorker - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForWorker.SpotBugsExecutor - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsRunnerForWorker(org.gradle.workers.WorkerExecutor, Property<JavaLauncher>) - Constructor in SpotBugsRunnerForWorker
SpotBugsSarifReport - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsSarifReport(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Constructor in SpotBugsSarifReport
SpotBugsTask - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom
The Gradle task to run the SpotBugs analysis.
SpotBugsTask(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, org.gradle.workers.WorkerExecutor) - Constructor in SpotBugsTask
SpotBugsTaskFactory - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsTextReport - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsTextReport(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Constructor in SpotBugsTextReport
SpotBugsXmlReport - Class in com.github.spotbugs.snom.internal
SpotBugsXmlReport(org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory, com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask) - Constructor in SpotBugsXmlReport


toCommandLineOption() - Method in Confidence.1
toCommandLineOption() - Method in SpotBugsHtmlReport
toCommandLineOption() - Method in SpotBugsReport
toCommandLineOption() - Method in SpotBugsSarifReport
toCommandLineOption() - Method in SpotBugsTextReport
toCommandLineOption() - Method in SpotBugsXmlReport
toolVersion - Property in SpotBugsExtension
toString() - Method in SemanticVersion


useAuxclasspathFile - Property in SpotBugsExtension
useAuxclasspathFile - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to enable auxclasspathFromFile and prevent Argument List Too Long issues in java processes.
useJavaToolchains - Property in SpotBugsExtension


valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in Effort
values() - Method in Effort
visitors - Property in SpotBugsExtension
Property to enable visitors (detectors) for analysis.
visitors - Property in SpotBugsTask
Property to enable visitors (detectors) for analysis.






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